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Location >> Home >> Product >> lotus leaf p.e 2%
Views:7083  |  From:xi'an Qingping Plant Engineering Technology Co., Ltd.
Lotus leaf extract
[English name] lotus leaf p.e
[Active ingredient] the main chemical composition of lotus leaf alkaloids, the leaves flavonoids, citric acid, oxalic acid, etc.
Main Specifications nuciferine 2% 10:1,20:1, 50%, etc.
【Product】 efficacy of this product has Qingre, ascending Qing Yang, cooling blood to stop bleeding effect. For heat polydipsia, Shushi diarrhea diarrhea, spleen, blood in the stool uterine bleeding. Lotus leaf carbon astringent stasis to stop bleeding. And post-natal blood for hemorrhagic halo. Pharmacological studies have shown that the leaves have a diuretic laxative, through the intestinal drugs, lipid-lowering degreasing, Qingshu antipyretic effects, can significantly reduce serum cholesterol levels of glycerol and glycerol, with a lipid regulating health care. Deliberately used the leaves to lose weight without dieting, on the human body without any side effects.
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